All that is happening is that the driver files are being copied to C: Remove the Check at "kompatible Hardware". Ok I have tried everything and this does not work. I boot to XP via bootloader. Btw, I'm on an intel GM express chipset.
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The system sees the 60gig drive at boot, but at the time that it goes to the boot menu, I get this message: You can also use a partition management program to resize the Windows XP partition before installing Arch Linux.

Once windows finishes installing the correct controller it will ask for a restart and you reboot, you will be running AHCI in Windows XP! Thanks alot, absolutely great guide.

Again, many thanks to Jack the Newbie for this making this thread and to DJ Ramses and straddy for discovering the best method to solve this problem! Just try without and see what happens. It didn't solve my problem anyway, so might just as well do that.

It does not cover the entire installation process, but rather any quirks that are above and beyond what you might encounter during a routine Arch installation.

That is why I removed your post. I've tried the ICH9 code with no luck.

It explains how to extract the file you need without running the installer in the regular sense. Well, thank you for your thank you post. This page was last modified on 26 Augustat Let Windows not search!

Anyone here experiencing any problem using AHCI and SATA? - Forums

Tech support scams are an industry-wide issue where scammers attempt mei trick you into paying for unnecessary technical support services. Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.

Is the REG update a part of the normal driver installation process that will happen automatically? I know that this forum is for MSI motherboards, but my search for help on this subject on Google brought me to this thread so I hope that others who run into this problem will be able to benefit from it in the future Or should I change to ide again in my bios to fix this.

But to answer your question very quickly as it is an easy one: No, i did not have to. What board do you have?

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Thanks for the reply Jack. Hi Thomas, Thank you for your post. Now it still doesn't work like an usb drive, meaning: Many, many thanks and much appreciation to Jack t.

Btw, I'm on an intel GM express chipset. Please login or register. I have make this way anymore. I followed the instructions here: Home Help Search Login Register. U1100 power management settings are aggressively conservative by default. To enable AHCI during setup:.

Works perfectly on a P45 Platinum as well. To make life easier for others, what follows is j100 list of hotkey definitions for use by xbindkeys:. Install the cheese application:.


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